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babboo's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 70 (From 20 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,830 Points

Madness Accelerant

Medals Earned: 3/5 (60/135 points)

Face Off 10 Points

Let out all your aggression.


Beat the game.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Pacifist 25 Points

Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.

Madness Mode 50 Points

Defeat Madness Mode!

Madness Regent

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

A Winner is You 25 Points

Defeat the boss and win the game!

Miami Shark

Medals Earned: 11/12 (450/500 points)

Apache 25 Points

Crush the Apache Helicopter

LearJet 25 Points

Crush the Lear Jet

Mini 25 Points

Crush the Mini-Helictopter

Sheriff 25 Points

Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter

B2 50 Points

Crush the B-2 Spirit

B52 50 Points

Crush the B-52 Fortress

B747 50 Points

Crush the Boeing 747

Beluga 50 Points

Crush the Airbus Beluga

Concorde 50 Points

Crush the Concorde

Ducks 50 Points

Kill 15 Ducks

SpaceShuttle 50 Points

Crush the Space Shuttle

Sailor 50 Points

Crush 95 Sailing Yachts

Pixel Purge

Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/490 points)

Slayer of the Peon King 5 Points

Defeat the largest Peon.

Evasion Expert (Bronze) 5 Points

Don't get hit for 30 seconds.

High Score (Bronze) 5 Points

Acquire a score of 100,000 or greater.

Level Climber (Silver) 10 Points

Reach level 10

Slayer of the Grunt King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Grunt.

Slayer of the Miner King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Miner.

Slayer of the Splitter King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Splitter.

Slayer of the Waver King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Waver.

Hardcore (Platinum) 25 Points

Don't spend any skill points and reach level 10 or greater.

Marksman 25 Points

Accurately land 50 shots without a single miss.

Mine Sweeper 25 Points

Destroy 50 mines in a single game.

Platinum Chain 25 Points

Reach a kill chain of 1000

Slayer of the Fume King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Fume.

Slayer of the Seeker King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Seeker.

Slayer of the Shield King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Shield.

Slayer of the Vessel King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Vessel.

Terminator (Gold) 25 Points

Defeat 1000 enemies in a single game.

Bestiary Complete 50 Points

Completely fill your bestiary by defeating 20 of each enemy in the game.

Master Trophy Collector 50 Points

Acquire all Trophies.

Defender of Pixela-RT 100 Points

100% the game (Acquire a gold star on the main menu for both Trophy and the Bestiary buttons)

REPLAYING :the game:

Medals Earned: 4/4 (250/250 points)

A Little Birdie Told Me. 25 Points

Go to the Show Appreciation link. Click the blue birdie. Press 'update'. Thanks.

Bloodbath 25 Points

Kill 150 or more of those buggers in the preloader game.

THE END 100 Points

Meaning it's now time for the level editor, level playlist, unlockables, highscores... NO WAIT COME BACK.

Unlock-ness Monster 100 Points

Unlock everything. You see what I did there with this Medal's title? Lol.

Sally's Cats

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/200 points)

Tutorialized 5 Points

Beat the tutorial levels.

Flame On 10 Points

Set a cat on fire.

No Borders 10 Points

Completed 5 different levels without using strings.

Evader 25 Points

Evaded all enemies in 10 different levels.

Pyromaniac 50 Points

Rescued burning cats in 10 different levels.

Saviour 100 Points

Beat the game.

Sydney Shark

Medals Earned: 15/17 (425/525 points)

AirbusA380 25 Points

Take down the Airbus A380

BAEHawk 25 Points

Take down the BAE Hawk

BroadcastHeli 25 Points

Take down the Broadcast helicopter

CH46SeaKnight 25 Points

Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter

CrocodileJet 25 Points

Take down the crocodile jet

DHC2Beaver 25 Points

Take down the DHC 2 Beaver

HH65Dolphin 25 Points

Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter

Kayak 25 Points

Crush 10 kayaks

NuclearRocket 25 Points

Nuke Sydney

Orca 25 Points

Eat 60 pieces of Orca

Sailplane 25 Points

Take down the sailplane

UFO 25 Points

Take down the UFO

Zeppelin 25 Points

Take down the zeppelin

Horse 50 Points

Kill 9 horses

Passenger 50 Points

Kill 30 cruise ship passengers

SkyDiver 50 Points

Kill 10 sky divers

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/495 points)

Bubba Slap 10 Points

Feel the Bubba-Wrath!

Piggy PWN 10 Points

Get totally pwnd by the Piggy

Gotcha 25 Points

Be an easy target!

Lame Score 25 Points

Come on, you can do better than this!

Spider Food 25 Points

Feed your enemy a healthy snack!

Great Score 50 Points

You've done well my child

Scare the Boss 50 Points

Even tough guys can run away

Beat the Game 100 Points

Save Theia!

God Score 100 Points

The Heavens must have gifted you way too much

Piggy Wiggy 100 Points

Meet the final boss


Medals Earned: 4/9 (110/335 points)

Valentine 10 Points

Guide Valentine to safety!

Burt 25 Points

Guide Burt to safety!

Melvin 25 Points

Guide Melvin to safety!

Bros B4 Hoes 50 Points

Round up the troops.

Earl 25 Points

Guide Earl to safety!

Heather 25 Points

Guide Heather to safety!

Mindy 25 Points

Guide Mindy to safety!

Ladies Man 50 Points

Only save the women.

Worm Master 100 Points


Vuvu Hero

Medals Earned: 3/8 (25/350 points)

Here Comes the Bear 5 Points

Hit 20 notes in a row

Bum Trumpet 10 Points

Hit 40 notes in a row

No, Fido! 10 Points

Hit 30 notes in a row

Vuvu Zilla 25 Points

Hit 50 notes in a row

100 Note Streak 50 Points

Hit 100 notes in a row

Vuvu Hero 50 Points

Get 98% or better on a Vuvu Hero song

200 Note Streak 100 Points

Hit 200 notes in a row

300 Note Streak 100 Points

Hit 300 notes in a row